Shield 5E, found on page 275 of the Player’s Handbook, is an excellent spell for all spellcasters, especially those who may find themselves in combat. This article will break down how the spell works and show you everything you need to know about Shield in D&D 5E.
1st level abjuration
- Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell
- Range: Self
- Components: V S
- Duration: 1 round
- Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
- An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.
What classes can cast Shield?
Sorcerer and Wizard gain access to Shield at level 1. You can, however, gain access to this spell through certain feats or magic items.
Spell Components
Shield does not require any physical components, only semantic and verbal, meaning you must have one free hand and the ability to speak.
Are there any feats that allow you to cast Shield?
If you are not a Wizard or a Sorcerer but you want to gain access to Shield, you can do so by taking the Magic Initiate feat.
Once you take this feat, you can choose to have access to Wizard or Sorcerer spells. This will allow you to learn two cantrips and one first-level spell. At this point, you can choose Shield.
Alternative uses
Unfortunately, we could not think of any alternative uses for Shield. Since its target range is self, you cannot use it on anyone else other than yourself.
Pop culture reference
There are quite a few pop culture references when it comes to a Wizard or Sorcerer casting Shield. There are none quite as epic as Gandalf’s’ Battle with the Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm’ in The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).
Before the unforgettable ‘You shall not pass’ line, Gandalf blocks the Balrog’s flaming sword with a magical shield.

Our thoughts
Shield is a great spell to have in your back pocket as a spellcaster. Normally, Wizards and Sorcerers look to avoid combat situations but sometimes it’s unavoidable, and that’s where Shield comes in.
Shield also works well for Fighters, such as the subclass Eldritch Knights. With their access to Wizard spells, Eldritch Knights can cast Shield, which would help them greatly in combat.
FAQ’s about shield
When can I use shield spell 5e?
You can only use Shield as a reaction, which you can take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by Magic Missile.
Is shield a reaction spell?
Yes, Shield requires your reaction to cast. You are only allowed one reaction per round, so make sure there’s nothing else you want to use your reaction for.
What classes have shield spell?
Shield is available to both Wizards and Sorcerers at level 1. Found on page 275 of the Player’s Handbook, Shield is a spell that allows you to increase your armor class by +5 or avoid all damage from Magic Missile for one round as a reaction.
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